Kelburn School has an impressive photo collection ranging from formal class and sport photos, to music and drama, events and happenings over the years, plus images of the school and teachers. To date Carterworks has scanned over 1300 images and that is only to 1998! (It excludes documents and photo key notes).
Over 30 people sent in photos many using the Carterworks file uploader to load images from around New Zealand, Australia and even those who could not make it on the day could contribute.
From past experience with reunions I knew that having original photos on display was not a good idea, partly because many of the photos were small and secondly photos are fragile and can get damaged. As all the images had been archived scanned to international standards it was easy to convert and enlarge them on to A4 sheets for display. Admittedly the schools printer was kept busy for 3 to 4 days! The prints filled over 40 square metres of display area. The boards were placed in 6 classrooms around the school for the main open day and in the hall on the Sunday. There were so many images table tops and walls were also used..
Below are some shots of people enjoying the photo displays on Saturday.

The photos were enjoyed by all ages.
The larger prints allowed people to identify themselves in the photos and this started many discussions....

Photo Boards in the hall on Sunday - which gives some idea of the extent of the collection.
The work continues....
From 1998 onwards the school had class photos on display in the school hallways and stairwells. Those photos not in a digital format (from the late 1990s to 2008) will be digitised over the coming months to complete the project.....
Copyright Carterworks NZ